Another week of TIDE and the team keeps growing with returner Chris blistering back into the swing of things.
Two additions from Conn Coll, Erik and Ariella arrived looking to get to the root of the marsh cracking.
Some 2 and 3 am strolls and swims were taken on the marsh as the season’s first Flume Nets were deployed beneath the stars and pink glow of the sunrise.
Dr. Warren, Dr. Deegan, and Rio paid a visit to troubleshoot coring techniques and caught everyone up to speed in the first TIDE Project meeting of the field season.
The new chemistry lab trailer arrived and provides excellent additional, air-conditioned, lab space; and Kate’s new Lair.
Ashley and Meghan worked throughout the week to deploy their handmade detritus invert cages.
The tanks continue to guzzle and pump fertilizer allowing more team members to learn how to drive the boat. Back at the house all 9 inhabitants assisted Chris in devouring eight 100% Compostable Sun Chip bags that he will use for a plastic degradation experiment on the marsh. The chips helped fuel work for the week as well as late night Spades games and PIG and Knockout on the basketball court.
– Chris
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